IT Consulting

We support your company in solving issues by utilizing IT!

We are experienced in both system development and operation and maintenance.
Please feel free to contact us for any IT-related questions you may have.

Irvine Systems will provide comprehensive and continuous support.
If you are wondering where to start, please contact us.
We can flexibly help you solve your issues by assessing your current system and workflow, developing and implementing a migration plan, developing a new system, and designing and building an operation and maintenance system.

Do you have any of the following concerns?

  • I want to consider moving my system to the cloud.

    • ・ Management has ordered us to “move to the cloud,” but we don’t know where to start.
    • ・ We want to leave everything from assessment of the current system and migration planning to implementation to you.
    • ・ There are many legacy systems, and it is difficult to move to the cloud.
  • There is no information system department in the company.

    • ・ We would like to request a comprehensive IT-related service. We want support from the identification and organization of issues.
    • ・ The in-house development team is spending too much time on server management, which is interfering with their original development work.
  • We want to establish an IT management system.

    • ・ The management system is not systematized.
    • ・ The organizational structure and division of responsibilities are incomplete.
  • We want to systemize operations that rely on human resources.

    • ・ Important operations and information are dependent on the experience and knowledge of specific employees.
    • ・ Manual work is inefficient and costly. There are many human errors.
  • Want to enhance security

    • ・ Are there any vulnerabilities in the network or system in use? We want to take appropriate security measures.
    • ・ Are there any vulnerabilities in the network or systems in use?
    • ・ We would like to review our workflow regarding the handling of personal and confidential information.

Please feel free to contact us for any other IT-related issues.

Feel free to consult us about anything related to IT.

Irvine Systems

1-10-10 Higashi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Office T&U B1F

TEL 03-5475-5001