Pawnshop Business Management System

Created by a pawnbroker and an engineer together

A business improvement tool that solves the problems of pawnshops!

The pawnshop business in Japan is said to have originated in the Kamakura period (1185-1333). In response to requests from pawnshops to somehow systemize customer management, pawn management, and ledger sheet management, which have developed uniquely over its long history, to improve business efficiency, we have developed this system together with pawnshop owners, specializing in pawnshop business management. The system meets various needs for pawnshop operations.

Do you have any of these problems?

  • icon_check_large Difficulty in filling out multiple ledgers

    I want to be freed from the task of filling in multiple ledgers used for customer management.

  • icon_check_large Want to check customer due dates daily

    I want to check daily on expired customers, customers on their due date, and customers nearing their due date.

  • icon_check_large I want to make use of data for customer service.

    I want to instantly check the data of each customer and use it for telephone inquiries and in-store customer service.

  • icon_check_large I want to inventory the quality of goods in stock on a regular basis.

    I want to check the status of my inventory on a daily basis.

  • icon_check_large Time is taken up by quality control

    I want to use the time I spend on quality control to think about advertising.

  • icon_check_large Can’t we do something about this with IT?

    I don’t know anything about computers or technology, but I wonder if there is a technician who can help me.

Irvine Systems’ “Pawnshop Business Management System” will dramatically improve the efficiency of your business.
It is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere in the world.
Our engineers have been developing and operating the “Pawnshop Business Management System” since our company was founded in 2004, so they are well versed in the uniqueness of the pawnshop business and the conventions of the industry.
When introducing the system, our engineers, who are well versed in the pawnshop business, will take care of everything from inquiring about your company’s needs to selecting the optimal hardware, environment construction, after-sales follow-up, and periodic maintenance.

Pawnshops nationwide are welcome to contact us. We will respond flexibly.

Feel free to consult us about anything related to IT.

Irvine Systems

1-10-10 Higashi Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Office T&U B1F

TEL 03-5475-5001